Thursday, December 3, 2009

Lesson Two

Lesson Plan Two *Experiments from the U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission Teacher: Angela Schneider Course: Physics Grade: 11-12 Topic: Nuclear Energy CLE(s): Make qualitative and quantitative observations using the appropriate senses, tools and equipment to gather data (e.g., microscopes, thermometers, analog and digital meters, computers, spring scales, balances, metric rulers, graduated cylinders). Identify the role of nuclear energy as it serves as a source of energy for the Earth, stars, and human activity (e.g., source of electromagnetic radiation, thermal energy within mantle, nuclear power plants, fuel for stars). Objectives: The student will investigate the ‘footprints’ of radiation, using The Cloud Chamber experiment. The student will detect and measure radiation using a Geiger counter. Materials needed: ‘The Cloud Chamber’ and ‘Using a Geiger Counter’ experiment sheets (per student); small transparent container with transparent lid, flat black spray paint, blotter paper, pure ethyl alcohol, radioactive source, masking tape, dry ice, styrofoam square, flashlight, gloves or tongs to handle the dry ice (per lab group); Geiger counter, radioactive sources, shielding materials (per lab group) Phase 1: Introduction: Orient students to the problem. Pass out and go over experiment sheets. Phase 2: Organize students for study. Students will work in their pre-determined lab groups. Phase 3: Assist group investigations Walk around the classroom as students perform the experiments, helping when necessary. Phase 4: Analyze and evaluate the problem-solving process. Students will answer post-lab questions.

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