Thursday, December 3, 2009

Lesson Three

Lesson Plan Three Title: Nuclear Energy Transformed Grades: 9-12 Subject Area(s): Science and Reading Purpose of the Lesson: To increase students’ knowledge of nuclear fission and fusion; how they are alike, how they differ and how they may be used in generating electricity Essential Question(s): What are nuclear fission and fusion? How are they alike and how are they different? How is the fission process used in a nuclear reactor? Objectives: Upon the completion of the discussion, activities, and reading assignments, students will: 1. Define nuclear energy, nuclear fission, nuclear fusion and nuclear chain reaction. 2. Describe the process of nuclear fission and nuclear fusion and evaluate how the processes are alike and how they are different. 3 Explain how nuclear reactors are used to produce electrical energy. 4. Develop a timeline for the advancement of nuclear energy. Materials: Graphic Organizers: KWL, Venn diagram These may be accessed at: Computer and internet access for word processing, PowerPoint application, and accessing resource materials Visuals: Fusion reaction, fission reaction, nuclear reactor Writing Journals/notebooks, Reflection sheets Articles: “Nuclear Fission” and “Nuclear Fusion” which may be accessed at: Websites: Nuclear Power Plant Demonstration How Nuclear Power Works Nuclear Fission Nuclear Fusion Animation Lesson Procedures: 1. Introduce the lesson - Using a KWL chart, ask for student responses for “What I Know” about Nuclear Fission and Fusion. 2. Group students into cooperative groups to share their responses to “What I Know.” Complete another KWL to capture each group’s knowledge. Each group will share any responses, not already listed on the board. NOTE: Any student misconceptions may be noted as “What I Need to Know.” 3. Give students a copy of the “Fission - Fusion Anticipation Guide” to complete, based upon the groups’ responses on the KWL. The guide is composed of selected questions from the articles, to be completed as a before-reading activity. Students will record responses on the left-hand side of the anticipation guide. 4. Provide articles and instruct students to complete the right side of the anticipation guide as they read the article. This is a during-reading activity. 5. After students have read the article, ask students to read selected questions from the anticipation guide, determine whether the statement is true or false, and discuss the rationale for their response. 6. REVIEW Nuclear Fission using the information available at the following Web site: 7. REVIEW Nuclear Fusion using the information available at the following Web site: 8. As a formative assessment, ask students to complete a Venn diagram, comparing and contrasting nuclear fission and nuclear fusion. 9. Allow students to use computers to interact with an animated nuclear energy reactor to gain understanding of reactor structure and the working process. If students do not have classroom access to computers, the teacher may use the Websites listed below with a computer and LCD projector. The nuclear power plant demonstration and a graphic of the design may be accessed at the following URL addresses: 10. Ask students to write a summary of their observations and develop questions relating to the animation and information. 11. Share the questions with classmates and discuss to ensure understanding. 12. Ask students to use texts and other resources to develop a time line for the advancement of nuclear energy. Assessments: Venn diagram, Lesson reflections/summaries, and time line Modification(s): The following modifications may be made to accommodate ESE and LEP students: • Graphic organizers- Pair students prior to instruction for brainstorming about main idea and vocabulary • Cooperative grouping- Grouping may provide additional peer assistance with vocabulary, as will having students write a sentence or draw a picture for each word. Remedial strategies include journaling and writing reflections/summaries of activities • Visual Interpretations- Use pictures, animations, diagram and graphs. • Spanish-English dictionaries and materials - There are also Websites where terms may be translated • Accommodations as listed on IEPs

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